Fiona Rosa
03 9466 1810
13 - 21 Diplomat Drive
Thomastown, Vic, 3074
Thomastown Meadows Primary School has a policy for a compulsory school uniform. It is expected that all students wear their school uniform daily. School Uniform Policy
School uniform items can be purchased from:
Phone: +61 3 9460 8011
238 Wolseley Pl Thomastown VIC 3074
Opening Hours:
Mon – Fri 9am -5pm, Saturday 9am-12pm
School hats are compulsory in line with Sun Smart guidelines, students must wear the school hat from 1st September to 30th April. The school hat, bag and art smock are now available for purchase from Academy Uniforms. Please note the school no longer sells hats from the school office.
We strongly encourage parents to clearly label all items of school uniform with their child's name. Lost items of clothing may be found in the Lost Property box located in the corridor near the school office.
You can also order online select Thomastown Meadows Primary School from the drop down list and enter the password: Thomastown. The uniform price list is also available from the school office.