Fiona Rosa
03 9466 1810
13 - 21 Diplomat Drive
Thomastown, Vic, 3074
School Councils play a key role in Victorian government schools. A School Council develops a vision for the school in collaboration with all members of the school community and is actively involved in the development of and endorses the school’s strategic plan. School Council is the governing body of the school and draws on the school community for its members - parents, DET staff and the broader community. School Council determines appropriate policies within Department of Education and Training (DET) guidelines that will ensure that the aims of the school are achieved. In addition, Council controls the school’s monies and resources. School Council operates under a framework provided by the:
Each School Council is established by an Order of the Minister for Education. Key functions The School Council has particular functions in setting and monitoring the school’s direction. School Councils have three main responsibilities:
School Councils must meet eight times a year and at least once per school term. Meetings are usually held on a Thursday at 5:30 pm. The president chairs all meetings and all members of the council are expected to attend. The School Council at Thomastown Meadows Primary School always acts in the best interest of the school. The members of the committee are passionate and dedicated. | These members of Thomastown Meadows Primary School Council are: